Philippe Lebaron


PhD, Full Professor Sorbonne University in Paris since 1989. He has been the founding director of the microbial ecology laboratory within the Marine Research Institute in Banyuls-sur-mer, France, and the main investigator of many research projects funded by the European commission. All along his career, he has been working in close collaboration with private companies. In 2000 he was awarded for his Research and Creative Activity by the Wintrebert prize. In 2013 he was distinguished by the French Ministry for Education and Research and received the Academic Palms.

From 2005 to 2015 he has been the director of the marine research institute in Banyuls-sur-mer and has contributed to an important development of the research center. In 2016, he spent a sabbatical year in Woods Hole and Boston (USA) to study the skin microbiome of whales and human mouse.

From 2008 to 2013 he directed the Chair of Biology at the Oceanographic Institute of Paris. Since 2015, Prof. Philippe Lebaron is heading the national committee in charge of the development of joint research teams linking academic laboratories with private companies. So far, Philippe Lebaron published over 200 papers present in the Science Citation Index, a few book chapters and he is co-editor of the book « Environmental Microbiology : Fundamentals and Applications »  published by Springer Netherlands, 2015 (882 pages). Since November 2018 he is the Vice-President of Sorbonne University in charge of economic partnerships and entrepreneurship.